When my brother was old enough to choose what he wants to be as a grown up; sure enough that he chose the same path. And my Mum had another man in the family to worry about. All. The. Time.
I just thought it's normal. This is what we got used to and not seeing my Dad every day just made the time he spent with us more special - and of course my Mum's life harder as she had to cope with us when we were naughty or sick.
One day I decided too to travel - and ended up living on the other side of the World. I often wonder how my Mum does it. How can she live with the feeling always missing us? She is definitely one of the strongest and most incredible woman I know and couoldn't be more proud of being her daughter.
Today I saw a short clip about a story of someone and his Mum. And because not getting the chance to say goodbye to someone close is not unknown by me; I decided to share it here.
It's a beautifully executed video - just something to remember before it's too late. Because sometimes we don't get the chance to say goodbye.
My Friend Jason. from Shot at The Dark on Vimeo.